- 09/03/202401Market Trend(August 27)SKhynix and Samsung: sales in China surged sharplyInH1 this year, Samsung Electronics and SK hynix saw a doubled sales increasethis year compared to the same period last year, which reversed the three-year decline oftheir s…
- 09/03/202401 市场动态(8月27日)SK海力士、三星:中国销售额大增今年上半年,三星电子和SK海力士在华销售额较去年同期增长近一倍,扭转了因中美紧张局势和半导体行业低迷导致的三年下滑局面。这一增长主要归因于中国在美国可能实施制裁之前囤积用于人工智能 (AI) 开发的内存半导体…
- 08/26/2024In July 2024, Chinas total import and export value was 516.47 billion US dollars, an increase of 0.1% compared to June this year and 3.5% compared to June last year; In terms of exports, the export amount in July was 300.56 billion US dollars, a decrease of 2.3% compared to June this year and a year-on-year increase of 7.0% compared to July last year; In terms of imports, the import amount in July was 215.91 billion US dollars, an increase of 3.4% compared to June this year and 7.2% compared to July last year. The trade surplus of goods was 84.65 billion US dollars, with a cumulative total of 518 billion US dollars from January to July.